
With over 10 million registered members worldwide, 888poker is the fastest growing online poker room, with a new player signing up every 12 seconds. 888 has been a forerunner in the online gaming industry and a pioneer of safe and responsible gaming since 1997. We are one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world, providing one of the largest selections of games, high value tournaments and exciting live events for poker players around the globe.

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A cooler is a hand that is clearly too strong to fold but ends up being second best after the chips go in. The most common example of cooler is picking up pocket Kings preflop and our opponent has the Aces. In most situations it would be completely incorrect to fold KK preflop, but we have to accept that sometimes we will be coolered by the AA. Other examples might include ‘set over set’ or losing with a full house against a stronger full house (depending on the exact circumstances).
Connector means that one card is directly connected to another by rank. For example, in Hold’em, 78s (Seven Eight suited) is referred to as a ‘suited connector’ because the two cards are directly connected by rank.Cards with a gap (such as 79s) may also be referred to as connectors but they are more commonly referred to as one-gappers, two-gappers or three-gappers, depending on the size of the gap.
The meaning of complete depends on the poker variant in question. In poker variants with blinds (such as Hold’em and Omaha), to complete means to limp in the SB. We don’t have to pay the full big blind in this instance since we have already invested a small blind; we simply complete our bet by investing the remaining chips. The second meaning involves Stud games on third street (the first betting round). The first player to act on third street can either pay the ‘bring-in’ amount or complete by raising to the amount of the small bet.
Community cards are cards that are dealt face up in the centre of the poker table. All players may make use of community cards to make their hand. Variants like Omaha and Hold’em make big use of community cards but not all variants of poker involve community cards. For example, Draw games and Stud games do not use community cards although there is one very specific exception in Stud games where the deck runs out of cards – a lone community card is dealt on the river.