
With over 10 million registered members worldwide, 888poker is the fastest growing online poker room, with a new player signing up every 12 seconds. 888 has been a forerunner in the online gaming industry and a pioneer of safe and responsible gaming since 1997. We are one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world, providing one of the largest selections of games, high value tournaments and exciting live events for poker players around the globe.

888poker Team 's Articles
Collusion describes the act of working together with other players at the table in order to gain an unfair advantage. Poker is a solo game, any collaboration with other players is against the rules and can result in a permanent ban from the game in question. There are various different forms of collusion, such as soft playing, chip dumping, and sharing hole card (or other) information.
A coldcall is a call that’s made as our very first action in the hand. It’s generally a call made when facing an open-raise, since if there is no open raiser a call is generally referred to as a ‘limp’.Cold callscan also be made when facing preflop 3bets and 4bets, provided the call is the very first action we take in the hand.
In poker a check raise is where a player raises after already checking on the current betting round. It is often considered a deceptive play because it involves a passive action (checking) followed by an aggressive action (raising). A check raise is really just two actions strung together, a check followed by a raise.
To play our C-Game means that we don’t feel we are performing at our best at the tables. We feel that we are making a number of mistakes that we usually manage to avoid on a better day. The term C-game also has close ties with our mental state when playing. Playing C-game could indicate that we are getting emotionally affected by our short term results and making bad decisions as a result of frustration or ‘tilt’. Other letters may also be used to describe the quality of our game, A-game, B-game, D-Game, etc. The further up the alphabet we go, the better our game gets – with A-game being the best.
A cash game is a type of poker game where all players are free to buy-in and leave at any point. If a player loses chips he is free to buy additional chips at any point (while not in a hand). Cash games are generally the preferred game for professional players since the swings are smaller and the gains are more consistent relative to tournaments.