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Cap games are a poker format where there is a cap set on the maximum number of big blinds that can be used in a single hand. For example, in a 20bb cap gameonce a player has bet 20bb, he can no longer invest any additional chips into the pot (even if he has additional chips in his stack). The term capped is slightly different and describes a player who can’t have a holding above a certain strength due to the line they took.
Deuce is simply a nickname given to a card with the rank of Two. It’s not especially important from a strategic point of view, but we might find ourselves lost in poker conversations if we don’t know that the two is sometimes referred to as the Deuce.
A dealer is someone who deals cards for the purposes of a poker game. Poker games in casinos typically involve a designated dealer. In home games, the responsibility for dealing the cards often revolves around the table clockwise along with the dealer button. The term dealer may hence also be user to describe the player who occupies the button position at the table.
A dark bet or bet in the dark is a bet made without looking at all or any of the cards involved in a hand. For example, the player first to act on the flop in Hold’em, might make his flop betting decision before the flop cards have even been dealt. Naturally, betting in the dark is not an advisable strategy. It’s often used by players looking to gain a psychological advantage over their opponents or for entertainment value in the case of live TV.
Crack means to improve to beat a strong holding in poker. The most common usage is in Hold’em games where a player pocket Aces gets beaten, but it can be used in any scenario where a strong hand loses.
Counterfeit essentially means that a relatively strong hand gets significantly weakened after an additional card is dealt. A common example in Hold’em might be where we hold two-pair on the flop but the turn card pairs damaging the value of our hand. Imagine we hold 89 on the T98 board and the turn card comes a Ten. Our eight becomes irrelevant because we now hold Tens and Nines. Furthermore, any player with a Ten or strong 9x (such as A9) has now improved to beat us. We say that our two-pair has been counterfeited. Counterfeiting applies to a range of additional scenarios and also features strongly in games with low hand ranking systems such as Omaha hi/lo.