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An equity calculator is a tool that is used to analyse poker hands by calculating their pot equity. Equity calculators allow uses to input data such as hands, ranges, and community cards and see how much equity each hand or range has. Many equity calculators also offer additional features such as the ability to save ranges for later use, count hand combinations, and see the impact of various cards on the later streets. Most professional players will make use of at least one of the several commercially available equity calculators.
Find the meaning of the term "Downswing" in poker. Find out what we should expect, and how to deal with downswings.
Door card is a Stud term used to describe a player’s upcard on third street (the first betting round). In the initial Stud deal, players are dealt three cards – two face down (downcards) and one face up (upcard) which is visible to the entire table. The upcard gives clues regarding the strength of a player’s overall holding and is referred to as the door card or simply the door.The door card also determines who acts first in regular Stud games; the player with the lowest ranked door card acts first on third street.
The term donk applies both to a specific poker action and to a specific type of poker player. Donk betting means to make a bet out of position when not the last aggressor on the previous betting round. The term donk is also used to describe a very bad poker. Caution is advised since many may find the term offensive. However, for professional players the word donk has evolved into a standard technical term for describing a soft target at the table.
Domination means that a hand or range is weaker than another hand or range. The term dominated also refers specially to types of hands that are likely to suffer from domination issues. In Hold’em this includes hands like top-pair weak kicker, baby flushes (especially on paired textures), and the low end of the straight (especially if the flush is possible or the board is paired). We have to be careful in these situations because it ends up being likely that “our opponent has us dominated”.
Dog in poker is a shortened form of the word underdog and means that we are not a favourite to win in a certain situation. It could apply to us being a dog after the chips go in during a single hand of poker or it could apply to us being a dog in an entire event such as a tournament or a specific cash game limit.