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Last longer is a side bet made between tournament players on who will be the last to get knocked out. Whoever lasts the longest wins the bet and receives the agreed upon prize.
The hijack is the position two to the right of the button (to the direct right of the cutoff). It is not considered a stealing seat like button and cutoff, but it does occasionally get opportunities to enter the pot with a slightly wider range of holdings. It acts fifth from last preflop and is sometimes referred to as ‘middle position’ on a 6-handed table.
Hanger refers to a card that sticks out from the bottom of the deck when base dealing. Base dealing means to cheat by drawing cards from the bottom of the deck rather than the top. Although this is quite difficult to spot when expertly done, catching a hanger is good indication that someone is base dealing. The act of removing the bottom card from the deck causes the card directly above it to stick out from the deck; something that would not typically happen if dealing correctly from the top of the deck.
Flat is simply another word for ‘call’ in poker. Flat and call can be used interchangeably and also together i.e. we decided to flat call. Flatting or calling is the action of precisely matching the bet on the current betting round as opposed to raising or folding.
Fish hooks is a slang poker name for getting dealt pocket Jacks in Hold’em. The reason is simple, the Jack is hook shaped, similar to a fish hook. There is no strategic importance to the term, but we might occasionally feel left out of a poker conversation if we aren’t familiar with the terminology.
Ducks is a nickname for being dealt the starting hand pocket Twos in Hold’em. The name doesn’t carry any strategic relevance, but we might find ourselves left out of a poker conversation if we aren’t familiar with the term.