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Dirty stack means a chip stack that is not organized neatly. There are two main rules players should follow with their chip stacks. 1. The same value chips should be grouped together. 2. Larger chip values should be placed at the front of our stack, not hidden behind smaller chips. Any stack that doesn’t follow these rules can be described as a dirty stack. Having a dirty stack can be considered a form of cheating because our opponent might think our stack size is smaller than it really is.
The Dead Man’s Hand is generally accepted to be two-pair Aces and Eights, although there is some debate on what actually qualifies as the dead man’s hand. The hand is based on legends and stories surrounding “Wild Bill Hickok” and has zero strategic relevance at the tables.
Cowboys is a nickname given to pocket Kings in Hold’em. It’s the second best starting hand in Hold’em is generally considered strong enough to stack off in the majority of preflop scenarios (unless the stacks start becoming very deep).
A coinflip is any situation where the outcome is relatively close to 50/50. For example, in Hold’em, we stack off preflop with our TT vs our opponent’s AKs. He will have around 46% chance to win while we will have around 54% chance to win. Seeing as this situation is very close to even, it’s common to refer to it as a coinflip. Often the word coinflip is shortened even further to flip.
Chip dumping refers to the activity of deliberately losing chips to another player at the table.It’s something that criminals have been known to try in an attemptlaunder money they have gained by illegal means. The hope is that if they lose all their funds to another poker account (which they also own), that the original source of the fundsmight be lost. Of course, this is not the only reason why chip dumping might take place. Players might be illegal looking to exploit no-deposit bonuses or get ahead on various promotions offered by the room. Whatever the motive, chip dumping will end you up with all funds being confiscated along with a permanent ban.
BRM stands for “bankroll management”. Bankroll management refers to the skill of setting aside money to play poker and using it carefully. The goal of good bankroll management is to maximize the chance of our bankroll growing quickly while minimizing the risk that we lose everything. A common bankroll management error is to play a game with a buy in that is too large compared to our total bankroll. Even if we are better than the other players at our table, all it might take is one streak of bad luck to wipe out our bankroll.