Join us for the ultimate poker experience, featuring the latest in PLO action as the 888poker tables continue to heat up this February with our PLO Weekend offer.

Players at 888poker can enjoy an entire weekend of new Pot Limit Omaha tournaments and 100% rakeback from 7th through 9th February,

Get paid with your monster hands and then get paid again with the 100% rakeback offer at PLO 5 and PLO 6 tables!

Please see the full terms and conditions HERE.

PLO5/6 Rakeback and New Tournaments Galore

Take a seat at any of your PLO 5 and 6 tables to have the chance to earn 100% rakeback in your Pot Limit Omaha games during the promotion period.

If tournaments are more your thing, we have new PLO5 and PLO6 tourneys to go alongside our regular PLO4 games.

PLO5/6 Rakeback and New Tournaments Galore

If freerolls are more up your alley, how about some PLO4, PLO5, and PLO6 freeroll tournament action where players can compete for prizes at no cost?

So, if variety is your spice of life, mix things up this weekend with a slice of PLO action!

Hyacinth Swanson is a part-time live and online poker player who enjoys writing and editing poker content. She currently runs marketing firm