What is VPIP in Poker?
What’s a good VPIP in poker — and how can you use it to get better reads on your opponents? Elevate your game by understanding this key poker statistic.
What is OMC in Poker?
OMC stands for “Old Man Coffee”. It is a slang nickname for a specific player type that you might meet in a live game.
What is Nash Equilibrium in Poker?
A Nash Equilibrium is a game theory concept that is achieved when all participants in a game of poker are perfectly balanced.
What is Fifth Street in Poker?
Fifth Street is the name given to the third betting round (or street) in Stud variants of poker. It centres on the number of cards each player holds.
What is Depolarised in Poker?
Depolarised is a term used to describe a range containing the top x% of holdings. This meaning differentiates it from a polarised range.
What is Dealer’s Choice in Poker?
Dealer’s choice is a poker game where the dealer button selects the variant of poker that will be played.
What is Dead Money in Poker?
The poker term 'dead money' refers to unclaimed or extra chips in the pot that could potentially be won easily through aggression.
What is Colouring Up in Poker?
To trade chips with a low value for a smaller number of higher denomination chips to make the chip stack easier to handle.
What is Cold Deck in Poker?
Explanation of Cold Deck
The expression cold deck is used when a player is catching a bad run of cards. It primarily refers to getting unlucky with the cards dealt. It could apply to unplayable starting hands or itbeing sucked out on in big pots.
What is Card Removal in Poker?
Card removal describes the effect that our hand has on the possible combinations of hands that our opponent holds.
What is Any Two in Poker?
Any Two is an expression used by Hold’em players to indicate that the value of their hole-cards is not essential, i.e. any two hole-cards
What is Aces Up in Poker?
Aces Up means two pair one of which is Aces. The naming formula can be applied to any rank of card to describe a two pair combo.
Aces Full of Kings: The Ins and Outs of the Highest Poker Full House!
888poker delves into the Aces Full of Kings’ hand from that famous poker movie Rounders, where Teddy KGB busts Mike’s bankroll with ‘Aces full’.
What is Cold 4bet in Poker?
Cold 4bet refers to a 4bet made on the first betting round where that 4bet is a player’s very first action in the hand.
What is Double Up in Poker?
Double up means to double the size of our chip stack by winning an all-in bet. The term can be used in both a tournament and cash game setting. It can also be used somewhat loosely – i.e. we can still refer to it as a double up even if we had our opponent covered and didn’t quite win 2x (two times) our stack.