
With over 10 million registered members worldwide, 888poker is the fastest growing online poker room, with a new player signing up every 12 seconds. 888 has been a forerunner in the online gaming industry and a pioneer of safe and responsible gaming since 1997. We are one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world, providing one of the largest selections of games, high value tournaments and exciting live events for poker players around the globe.

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The term bankroll in poker refers to the amount of money a player has that he has available for playing poker with. Many professionals prefer to keep their bankroll separate from the funds that they need for day to day living. Their decisions regarding which games to play will be based (in part) on the size of their bankroll. The skill of making good use of funds set aside for poker is called bankroll management.
A barrel in poker is a bet made after also taking the last aggressive action on the previous betting round. For example, if we make a continuation bet on the flop in Hold’em, a second bet on the turn can be referred to as a “barrel” or a“turnbarrel”. The terms double-barrel and triple-barrel are also commonly used to describe a spot where we bet two or three times consecutively.
A bad beat in poker is where we lose a hand despite being a considerable favourite to win. A typical bad beat in Hold’em might involve two players getting all of their chips in on the turn. Although player one is a 95% favourite to win the pot, player two catches a lucky river card and wins the entire pot. (This is commonly referred to as a “suckout”). This is just one variant however, there are a number of different scenarios that players refer to as bad beats.
A backraise is a raise made after already making a call earlier on the same betting round. It’s considered a tricky or deceptive line, since we decided not to raise when first given the opportunity. We decided to just call and only re-raise after someone behind us to decides to raise. The most common example in No Limit Hold’em is where a player calls against an open raise preflop but then decides to 4bet when facing a squeeze.
In poker, back door is used to describe a situation where we need catch an addition two cards in order to make our hand. For example, a flush is made with five cards. If we hold four of the five flush cards it is referred to as a flush draw. If we hold three of the five flush cards it is referred to as a back doorflush draw. In Hold’em, we hold a back doordrawon the flop if running cards on the turn and river would make us a strong 5-card holding. The term back door equityis also used to describe the same scenario.
In poker, the word angle is used to describe a way of gaining an unfair advantage at the tables. The act of deliberately trying find and use angles is referred to as angle-shooting. Not all forms of angle-shooting are directly against the rules of poker, but almost all of them are unfair and run the risk of getting you kicked out of the game. Once common example of angle-shooting is to deliberately act out of turn at the table in an attempt to influence the action.