
With over 10 million registered members worldwide, 888poker is the fastest growing online poker room, with a new player signing up every 12 seconds. 888 has been a forerunner in the online gaming industry and a pioneer of safe and responsible gaming since 1997. We are one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world, providing one of the largest selections of games, high value tournaments and exciting live events for poker players around the globe.

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Freeroll essentially refers to a situation where we can never lose, but we might win. Read on as we explain exactly in which situations one may use the term freeroll in poker.
The term free card refers to a situation where we or our opponent get to see another card without putting additional chips into the pot. A free card can either be a positive or negative thing depending on who the free card benefits the most. In situations where a free card might benefit our opponent we try and avoid giving the free card. In a situations where a free card benefits us, we might deliberately look to take the free card by checking.
Four-bet or 4bet refers to the fourth bet (or third raise) in a sequence of bets. In games such as Hold’em an Omaha, it’s important to remember that the first bet on the preflop round is actually the mandatory big blind post. An open raise is hence called a 2bet, a re-raise is called a 3bet and the following re-raise is 4-bet.
Fold in poker means to give up on the hand when facing a bet. When folding we no longer get to see if our hand wins at showdown, but we don’t have to invest any additional chips into the pot either. Folding is an extremely important part of the game. A common mistake that new players make is that they don’t fold as much as they should.
A flush is a five-card hand where all cards are all of the same suit. The strength of a flush is determined by its highest card. If two players both have a flush with the same high card, the second highest card is checked (and so on). In the majority of poker formats, a flush beats a straight, but loses to a full house.
Float means to call a bet without a strong holding, hoping to turn the hand into a bluff on the later streets. In more recent times the term float bet has come into common usage. It means to “bet in position after our opponent skips a continuation bet”. The term float bet is often shortened to float leaving us two different situations which are both described as floating. It’s not as complicated as it sounds however, the context usually makes clear what is meant by floating.