
With over 10 million registered members worldwide, 888poker is the fastest growing online poker room, with a new player signing up every 12 seconds. 888 has been a forerunner in the online gaming industry and a pioneer of safe and responsible gaming since 1997. We are one of the biggest and most trusted brands in the world, providing one of the largest selections of games, high value tournaments and exciting live events for poker players around the globe.

888poker Team 's Articles
Mental Game refers to the mental state of a player when playing poker. Having a good mental game means that we are psychologically strong and can continue to perform at a high level despite dealing with adversity. Players with a strong mental game go on tilt less and are not as heavily affected by downswings. Many professional players dedicate time to specifically working on their mental game, even hiring a mental game coach in some circumstances.
Levelling refers to an attempt to adjust to an opponent’s thought process while they are simultaneously trying to adjust to ours. He thinks, that I think, that he thinks, that I think etc…..Ending up on the right level is often based on an intuitive understanding of human psychology – it is not necessarily a precise science.
Laydown is simply another word for folding in poker. Although laydown can be used to describe any fold, it is commonly used in situations where the fold itself is quite tough due to having a reasonably strong holding.
Implied odds in poker is a type of pot odds calculation that takes into account chips that we can potentially win on the later streets. A standard pot odds calculation only looks at what is currently in the pot, which doesn’t tell the whole picture when there are additional chips still to play for. For example, in Hold’em, we might not get the direct pot odds to continue with a flush draw facing a continuation bet, but if there are lots of chips left behind we have an easy call due to implied odds.
Hold’em is currently the most popular variant of poker. It is usually played with a no-limit betting structure which means players can bet or raise to any amount at any given time.Hold’em is what’s known as a ‘community card’ game. All players are dealt 2 hole cards which they can use in conjunction with community cards in order to make a 5 card hand. Community cards are cards dealt face-up in the centre of the table which all players can make use of. Once the four betting rounds in hold’em are complete, the strongest hand wins all the chips in the middle.
ICM stands for independent chip model. It’s a way of assigning a monetary value to our chip stack in a poker tournament. The fundamental idea is here is that doubling our tournament stack doesn’t necessarily double our average tournament payout. ICM needs to be used to determine how wide it’s correct to commit our chips – and it all depends on our current situation in the tournament.