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Any Two is an expression used by Hold’em players to indicate that the value of their hole-cards is not essential, i.e. any two hole-cards
Aces Up means two pair one of which is Aces. The naming formula can be applied to any rank of card to describe a two pair combo.
Travelling to play poker, whether as a job or as a vacation is becoming more popular. Find out the top 20 spots to plan your next poker holiday!
Cold 4bet refers to a 4bet made on the first betting round where that 4bet is a player’s very first action in the hand.
Double up means to double the size of our chip stack by winning an all-in bet. The term can be used in both a tournament and cash game setting. It can also be used somewhat loosely – i.e. we can still refer to it as a double up even if we had our opponent covered and didn’t quite win 2x (two times) our stack.
Learn about wrap around straights in poker, their significance in Omaha and other poker variants, and how to use them strategically