Full House Hand in Poker

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Full House Hand in Poker
Example of Full house hand in poker

The Full House is third on the list of poker hand rankings. It is made up of 3 same-ranked cards paired with 2 same-ranked cards.

However, it's not as simple to figure out what a Full House means just from its name. It's actually made up of 3 cards of the same rank paired with 2 cards of the same rank. In other words, it’s a Three-of-a-Kind hand (further down on the list) matched with a Pair (much further down on this list).

The best Full House hand is Aces full of Kings:


In this hand ranking, it’s the rank or the denomination that’s most important. For instance, Aces full of Kings is a Full House hand that beats any of the lower ranked Houses, like Aces full of Jacks, Kings full of Aces and so on.

Here are a few more examples of this type of hand:




Can you work out which hand of the three above ranks the best? Keep in mind that the order of the suits is irrelevant – only the denominations matter. Also, the first 3 cards are considered first before the pair kickers.


How Does a Full House Hand Rank?

In a 52-card deck, there are 3,744 possible Full House hand combinations and 156 distinct ranks of Full Boats.

Full Houses are said to be “aces full” (aces over) or “jacks full” (jacks over) etc., based on the first three cards of the hand.

In this hand ranking, you need to keep in mind that it’s the rank/denomination that is the most important. Aces Full will always beat Kings Full, and Kings Over will always beat Queens Over, and so forth.

For example, hand KKK55 would rank higher than QQQAA - even though the queens full hand has a pair of aces kicker.

How Does a Full House Hand Match Up?

A Full House is the third best possible hand in the poker hand ranking system. Only a Straight Flush and 4-of-a-Kind rank above it. This makes it a very strong hand in Hold’em and is rarely beat on the river.

That said, there are still many hands that rank under it. The next best hand on the list is called a Flush.

The best Flush is the ace-high flush. Even though all the suits are considered equal in Flushes, the ranks determine which one is best.

Full House - FAQs

What is a Full House in poker?

A Full House is a hand that is made up of two cards of one rank and three cards of a different rank, e.g. 7-7-3-3-3.

How rare is a Full House in a poker game?

The chances of getting a Full House in a typical poker game is about 1 in 693 hands. It is certainly a strong hand, although not as strong as the rarer Four of a Kind hand.

What beats a Full House in poker?

Royal Flush, Straight Flush and Four of a Kind are the three hands that rank above and therefore beat a Full House.

Can a Full House be tied?

Yes a Full House can indeed be tied, and if both Full House hands consist of the same cards, the pot is split. However if two players have the same three of a kind, but different cards in the pair, the player with the higher pair wins.

How does a Full House compare to other poker hands?

Full House is positioned below Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, and Royal Flush, and above a Flush. It is the fourth highest-ranking hand in poker.

Is a Full House the same in all poker variants?

Yes, in most poker variants such as Texas Hold’em, Seven Card Stud and Omaha, Full House is the same.

Can you get a Full House in Omaha Poker?

Yes, you can get a Full House in an Omaha poker game, however players get four hole cards instead of two (as it is Texas Hold’em poker).

What are the odds of getting a Full House on the flop in Texas Hold'em?

Your starting hand determines the odds of flopping a Full House in a Texas Hold'em poker game. With a pocket pair, the odds are approximately 1 in 102 (0.98%).

Can a Full House lose in a showdown?

In a showdown a Full House can lose to a Royal Flush, Straight Flush, Four of a Kind, or a higher Full House, e.g. Tens full of Aces vs. Nines full of Aces.

Full House Poker Probabilities

Now, we’ll look at the pre-flop, flop, turn and river probabilities of making a Full House in both Hold’em and Omaha.

Hold'em Probabilities      
Pre-flop:   0.14% (based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
Flop:   0.09% (when holding 3-of-a-Kind with a pocket pair)
Turn:   12.77% (from a set on the flop)
River:   19.57% (from a set on the turn)
Omaha Probabilities      
Pre-flop:   0.14% (based on 5 cards randomly drawn from a full 52-card deck)
Flop:   0.65% (when holding 3-of-a-Kind)
Turn:   13.33% (when holding 3-of-a-Kind)
River:   20.45% (when holding 3-of-a-Kind)


Visit our Full House Poker Odds article for more information.

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